The children are taken on interesting trips throughout their time at the school. Past outings have included: The Royal Mews, Horniman Museum, Tate Gallery, National Gallery, Battersea Zoo, London Transport Museum, Polka Theatre, Pizza Express and the local Fire Station. In order to let the children settle into the school routines, we do not usually take them out during the Autumn Term.
We have weekly visits on Thursdays to the local library during which the librarian reads to the children. They are able to bring lots of books of their choice back to the school.
We very much enjoy having visitors to the school to talk to the children. These have included a local dentist, doctor, author, recycling manager, fire service and police officers.
Our Sports Day is held during the Summer term at Trinity Fields, for our children in the older classes.
On 3rd October we will be having a visit from a local GP.